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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

…the waiting game...

I've told this information to SEVERAL people lately, and because I keep repeating myself, and because I keep thinking about these things.. I've decided to compose a blog on the subject…

…the waiting game…

ALL over FB and the internet you see "top 10 things not to say to a pregnant woman" or similar such stories. Those lists often include things that are repeatedly said at the end of pregnancy, such as:

"you haven't had that baby yet?"

"when is that baby coming, aren't you just READY TO BE DONE?"

"you're OVERDUE? are you getting induced?"


Well, when I was pregnant in 2009/2010 with Jack, I was seeing a midwife and at the time, one of the birth assistants (NOW MIDWIFE!! shout out to Charlie Young!) said to me, "whatever the doctor told you, add 10 days - and tell everyone that is your due date."

Jack: Due Date: May 28th, I told everyone June 7th. He was born June 5th. 

Noah: Due Date: December 18th, I told everyone "Christmas time". He was born December 25th.

…therefore, I didn't have people hounding me at the end… AND MENTALLY I was prepared for June 7th & Christmas time….

in essence: I fooled myself. I was within my expected timeframe.. so there was no need for impatience

Suzie: Due Date: April 22nd, I told everyone EARLY MAY. 

however, this time - we had a curve ball. 

Bradley, my dear, sweet, brilliant husband earned a trip! We knew about it EARLY ON. I KNEW I would be 38 weeks pregnant. Both of my boys came at 41 weeks. I had NO FEARS at all sending Bradley off and I PRACTICALLY FORCED him out the door. HE was the one hesitant to leave. But I won. I made him go. I'm super woman, right? AND, my babies are always late. 

So, he left. April 10th. 

I had a midwife appt. that day. 

I felt labor-ish. 

…then, that whole weekend, I had several contractions, phantom labor and well… mind over matter. I was SO FOCUSED ON NOT going into labor - that my body SURELY FELT as if it WAS. 

On Brad's final day, April 14th, he was scheduled to fly out at 1:30pm.. but the night before he was scrambling to get an earlier flight out at my insistence. He was able to fly out at 8:30am and be home 6 hours earlier than expected! YAY. 

I thought SURELY he will walk through the door, hug me, and Suzie will just slip right out. 


that did NOT happen

My body went back to being normal, and I felt as I always do late in pregnancy. 

Yet this time, my REAL due date sneaked out as I shared with more and more people that suzie COULD possibly come "on time" or "early"… and so now.. 

here i am


maybe she WILL be an April baby. 

Brad & I both allowed that trip to "trip" us up

we've both been hopeful

SO now, here we are: April 30th. 41 weeks and 1 day. Longer gestation than BOTH of my boys. Suzie must want to make a grand entrance. She must want to be fashionably late. She MUST 


(who told EVERYONE and even had the necklace that said MAY)




I didn't fool myself this time. If I had.. I would not be as anxious, excited, impatient as I've been feeling these last SEVERAL days. This time around is UNLIKE both previous times.. THIS time.. I'm ready. Every day. Maybe today? I keep begging her.. COME ON… I want to meet you! 

These are all NEW FEELINGS for me at this stage in pregnancy. 

SO - will she have a DIAMOND for a birthstone? or will she share an EMERALD with her momma?… who knows? apparently she is pretty darned comfy in there.. and apparently she DOESN'T want to be "just like her brothers"

I think we're already in for it with this one.

Heaven help us.

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