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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

nice to meet you

Well, I think it's about time I introduce myself: 

I am Jack's mom 

Jenny Anne  

I regularly read blogs, I've been journaling since I was 8.5 years old (and recently found the pile of said diaries/journals - hilarious reading!), and I've dreamed of blogging one day...

and thanks to Sarah (Emma's mom) that is now a reality!

Hello World!... 

my days are spent with 2 little boys, ages 2 and 8 months, and lately - I'm exhausted! I'd like to share Jack's birth story, complete with pictures, soon... but I'll begin my blogging experience with these thoughts:

I LOVE my eldest son, Jack:

...this picture was taken after a drastic hair cut.. that made him look like SUCH a big boy... he had previously looked like this: I was saying, I love him. but MAN - being a mom is SO MUCH HARDER than I anticipated. my expectations were hmmm


I LOVE kids, I'm a patient human and everyone told me, "Jenny, you'll be the BEST MOM EVER!" 

..then... I had my first.. 

since when am I SO IMPATIENT!?! Anyone else feel like this?

Most days, I CANNOT WAIT until Jack looks like this:

which happens from roughly 1-4:30pm every day (PRAISE THE LORD!) and again at 7pm. 

I'll give him that... he's a CHAMPION sleeper.. 

All to say, as I enter this blogging world, I'm in a position where I am searching for the right ways to love, the right ways to discipline and the right ways to "mommy" and some days are better than others... right?!

At only 2 years of age my son reveals to me some of my MAJOR weaknesses and daily I am humbled as I learn hard lessons.. 

a dear friend recently shared some thoughts with me that I now pass along to you... 

one current struggle of mine: anger

as I shared with this dear friend how angry I get and how out of control I sometimes feel and how sad it makes me... she said:

  • you are a great mom, jenny. God is just using your kids to get the stuff out of YOU that needs to come out so you can be an even better wife and mommy and bring more glory to him.
  • you cannot teach your kids to control their anger if you do not know how to control yours
  • that's why this is happening
  • so you can teach them
  • what good would you be if you didn't know a things about anger but one of your kids struggled with it.
  • you could pray, sure. and that's great. but when you MODEL your struggle and they can see where you've come from
  • you have credibility and experience.

WOW, right!? Thank you Courtney, for being such a dear and honest friend. 

One day at a time, one day at a time.. 

and let me end by saying, one more time, I LOVE THIS KID: 

1 comment:

  1. Great words, Jenny!

    I think that anger is something that all moms struggle with (especially those of us with small children, because we are so exhausted and meeting needs of others
    Your friend is right that our kids can't learn how to deal with anger until we can learn to deal with it ourselves.
    It's a great lesson in the gospel. A real, honest lesson. And then also a great way to show the kids how we can't do anything without Jesus.

    Keep up the blogging!


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