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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Popcorn and a shopping cart

I'm not one for bribing my child (oh, who am I kidding, don't we all do it one time or another?)...and this is not a new idea, but I had to share my shopping experience today.

1. Emmalyn has a time limit that she will last sitting in a shopping cart.
2. My shopping trips usually outlast this time limit (especially at Target, because I will walk out with a cart full of things, none of which were on my list).
3. Target popcorn is $1.29.

I got her a little cup and filled it with popcorn and she happily stayed strapped in the cart for my entire shopping experience. Worth. Every. Penny.

(plus I got to enjoy a $1 soda and the leftover popcorn)

You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I bribe mine with cookies at Publix. We go to the bakery FIRST and pick one out for each kid. Then they each get a piece if they BEHAVE on each aisle. For example, one piece in produce, one in meat, one in dairy, and any other aisles. If they do NOT behave in a particular aisle, MOMMY gets the piece. The last piece is saved for being good at checkout and getting into the car. An acquaintance told me about this bc my shopping trips always outlast the cookie. Also, if we waited till the end to earn the cookie, and they misbehaved in the first 5 minutes, I no longer had leverage. This works great. They hate seeing Mommy eat their piece and are usually very well behaved for the rest of the trip :)


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