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Friday, February 15, 2013

Toddlers and French Braids

If you follow me on Instagram, you've seen these photos. I had a few people ask me how I managed to braid E's hair and have her sit still long enough to finish. To be honest, I don't really know. Growing up, my sisters and I had our hair braided countless times by our mom - for as long as I can remember. Even in high school on the bus rides to soccer games, we'd be the ones french braiding the team's hair.

One morning last week, I decided that E's hair had reached the perfect length to braid. I sat her on the floor, stood above her and just got started. She moved a lot, but I moved with her. I would pause in the braid if she started shaking her head, and then begin again when she found a moment to pause. My sister reminded me that Mom used to have us count as high as we could (a great distraction!). I just kept telling E that she'd look like Rapunzel when I was done (her new favorite princess).

I braided it while it was still kind of damp, so that it wasn't so slippery. I don't have a step-by-step tutorial to offer, other than give it a try - if it's a bust, you can always start over! Plus it's super crimpy and reminiscent of the 80s when you take it out at the end of the day.

What's your go-to hair style for your little ones?

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