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Friday, March 22, 2013

Everyone makes mistakes...

After Emma was born, we got so many bills in the mail, I lost count. Our insurance covered a great deal, but there were small bills here and there for anything from $3.25 to $150. I just wrote the checks and put them in the mail.

Fast forward two years. There have been many less bills arriving after Hope's birth. So when I received a bill last week for $310 from my OB/GYN, I didn't think too much about it. However, it was for an amount much more than I'd seen in the past, I decided to call the office and ask about it.

Me: Hi, I just wanted to ask about a bill I received for $310.

Office assistant: Sure, let me pull up your account. looks like that was for a surgical procedure you received on November 13th.

Me: Can I ask what procedure that was? I wasn't admitted to the hospital until November 15th.

Office assistant: No problem. It says here that you had a laparoscopic hysterectomy.

Me: Hmm, well I had a baby two days later, so I don't think that was me.

Lesson learned. Everyone makes mistakes.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

True story.

My mother-in-law told me about this Luvs commercial while I was nursing Hope in the middle of Chik-fil-a. She said it reminded her of me. When I got home, I looked it up and had a good laugh. That woman is totally me. So even if you're not a nursing mama, have a look - it'll make you chuckle.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Happy weekend!

It really is the little things that make me happy.

• Spending a girl's night in with pizza, ice cream and Breaking Dawn, Part 2.
• Waking up the next morning to realize that my baby has just slept 11 HOURS STRAIGHT.
• Lunch with an old friend, and totally agreeing to the 99 cent pastry up-sell.
• Enjoying the breezy Saturday afternoon with my family, picking out flowers and paint swatches.
Helping watching my husband work in the vegetable garden.

Happy weekend everyone!

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