Last week I went shopping at Target with my mom. We were sans kids, who were asleep at home with Jason. As we were checking out, a little boy was screaming in his cart as his mom left the store. The cashier, who was probably no older than 21, watched them leave, then looked at me and said, "Geez, get that kid home and put to bed! Anytime I see people in here late at night with their little kids, that's all I think. Why aren't they at home and sleeping?!"
Now, I didn't have kids with me. She may have assumed I had no children (or maybe not - sometimes people just say things without thinking). I smiled and said, "Well, maybe he missed his nap today." I swiped my credit card, grabbed my things and my mom and I headed out the door.
Now, I remember life before kids. I remember being in her shoes and thinking the EXACT same thing as I was strolling leisurely through stores.
Why on earth would people bring their kids out shopping when it was obviously past their bedtime? As a mom, I know now that I would never think to myself, "Gee, my kids are cranky and tired. Let's get our things together and pile in the car. I think it's a good time to go browse the shoe section at Target." Nope. Shopping for necessities is a task in itself - forget about wandering the aisles searching for the perfect throw pillow or comforter or cute ceramic animal or anything else Target makes you think you need. Ha.
So the next time a screaming child is out in public late at night, instead of assuming the parents are being irresponsible, let it cross your mind that just maybe:
• they ran out of laundry detergent and all the school clothes are dirty
• they're a single parent
• their dog needs food
• they have to make cupcakes for a class birthday party the next morning
• they ran out of diapers
• their spouse is out of town
• they're picking up a prescription after spending all evening at an urgent care center
• they leave for a family vacation the next morning and need a few last minute things
• they ignore screaming to prove a point or as part of their disciplinary methods
...and the list could go on and on.
Glennon of
Momastery said it well in her recent
Perspectacles post. These days we seem to make assumptions all too quickly, without looking
for or thinking about the other side of story. And most of the time,
what's the big deal anyway? Why does it matter to us? Why don't we just
carry on? Life could look a whole lot different if we just put on a new pair of glasses.