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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

DIY Body Scrub

After I had Emma, I started getting red bumps all over the back of my arms. I chalked it up to post-postpartum hormones. When she had weaned herself from nursing at around 13 months, they pretty much went away. Fast forward two years and I have a nursing 2-month old...and the bumps are back. They don't itch, but it looks like I have a constant rash and living in Florida, I want my arms to look good in a tank top.

After catching an episode of The Doctors, I self-diagnosed myself with Keratosis Pilaris. The doctors recommended a DIY body scrub made from sugar and olive oil to help get rid of the bumps. Since all of the lotions, creams and soaps I had tried in the past didn't do a thing, I decided to give the homemade concoction a try.

I added a few ingredients to make it even better (lemon and honey are really good for your skin!). The good news is, most people have these things in their pantry/fridge- so no running out to the store to buy things you won't use again. I've been using it for the past few weeks and have noticed a huge decrease in the amount of bumps and redness on my arms. Even if you don't have any problems with bumpy skin, this is an amazing body exfoliator.

Olive Oil Body Scrub
• 1/2 cup sugar
• 2 teaspoons honey
• Juice from 1/2 lemon
• Olive oil (amount depends on preference of texture)

Mix sugar, honey and lemon juice. Drizzle olive oil while mixing, until desired consistency is reached. Keep in an airtight jar, or make less for a one-time use. I use it every 2-3 days or as needed.

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